Header image for K5 FUTURE RETAIL CONFERENCE 2024



Main category: Marketing

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Profile image for A new era of Shopping: How to inspire your customer's next purchase on Pinterest

A new era of Shopping: How to inspire your customer's next purchase on Pinterest

Matt Crystal, Marcel Brindöpke
Tuesday June 25, 2024 17:00 - 17:15 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Marketing, Social Media, Marketplace

Profile image for Die wichtigsten Marketing Thesen für 2025 & ihre Proof Points

Die wichtigsten Marketing Thesen für 2025 & ihre Proof Points

Erik Siekmann
Wednesday June 26, 2024 14:00 - 14:10 DEEP DIVE STAGE
CRM, Marketing, Data

Profile image for Wie Decathlon die Kundengewinnung und -bindung auf allen Kanälen steigert

Wie Decathlon die Kundengewinnung und -bindung auf allen Kanälen steigert

Nathalie Jäger, Erik Siekmann
Wednesday June 26, 2024 14:10 - 14:25 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Marketing, CRM, Omnichannel

Profile image for Breuninger Retail Media: wie erreicht man Premium- und Luxuskunden?

Breuninger Retail Media: wie erreicht man Premium- und Luxuskunden?

Daniel Grafe, Erik Siekmann
Wednesday June 26, 2024 14:40 - 14:55 DEEP DIVE STAGE
CRM, Data, Marketing

Profile image for Wie Subscription Modelle die höchste Kundenzufriedenheit hervorrufen

Wie Subscription Modelle die höchste Kundenzufriedenheit hervorrufen

Maximilian Wühr, Erik Siekmann
Wednesday June 26, 2024 14:55 - 15:10 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Startups, Marketing, CRM