Header image for K5 FUTURE RETAIL CONFERENCE 2024






Main category

Profile image for Mit MACH-Speed zum MVP – Wie du in nur drei Monaten einen komplexen Business-Case auf die Straße bringst
Profile image for State of E-commerce in Europe in 2024

State of E-commerce in Europe in 2024

Foxintelligence, Dr Matthieu Chouard
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 Masterclass Room 10
Data, Marketplace, Growth

Profile image for Gen AI & Content Supply Chain: Katalysatoren für euer Digital Business

Gen AI & Content Supply Chain: Katalysatoren für euer Digital Business

Sitecore, Xenia Giese, Fabian Kaspereit
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:00 - 11:00 Masterclass Room 11
Data, Growth, Omnichannel, Platform, Retail Tech, AI, B2B, CRM

Profile image for AI als Problemlöser im Handel - Use Cases und Live AI Experiment
Profile image for Wachstum durch Performance Marketing: 5 Praxis-Tipps für erfolgreiche Brands
Profile image for Next Social Media – Der Blueprint, um wahnsinnig guten Video-Content zu kreieren
Profile image for Innovating to win in online grocery

Innovating to win in online grocery

Gregor Ulitzka, Sven Rittau
Wednesday June 26, 2024 09:30 - 09:45 DEEP DIVE STAGE
AI, E-Food

Profile image for Wachstum durch Innovation und Disruption: Wie die Zusammenarbeit des Handels mit Startups Mehrwerte schafft
Profile image for Begrüßung Tag 2

Begrüßung Tag 2

Verena Schlüpmann
Wednesday June 26, 2024 09:20 - 09:30 FURE STAGE

Profile image for Begrüßung Tag 2

Begrüßung Tag 2

Sven Rittau
Wednesday June 26, 2024 09:20 - 09:30 DEEP DIVE STAGE

Profile image for Weißwurstfrühstück powered by Develey

Weißwurstfrühstück powered by Develey

Wednesday June 26, 2024 08:30 - 10:00 K5 FUN ACTIVITIES

Profile image for K5 CONNECT PARTY powered by ZEOS


Tuesday June 25, 2024 21:00 - 23:59 K5 FUN ACTIVITIES

Profile image for K5 COMMERCE AWARD


Bella Wondra, Verena Schlüpmann
Tuesday June 25, 2024 19:30 - 21:00 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Retail Tech, Operations

Profile image for Tischtennis Turnier powered by Gepp's

Tischtennis Turnier powered by Gepp's

Tuesday June 25, 2024 18:30 - 19:30 K5 FUN ACTIVITIES

Profile image for Key Take Aways: Quo Vadis Social & Fashion Commerce?

Key Take Aways: Quo Vadis Social & Fashion Commerce?

Florian Heinemann, Sven Rittau
Tuesday June 25, 2024 18:15 - 18:30 FURE STAGE
Platform, Growth, Strategy

Profile image for Perspektiven auf den E-Commerce Markt 2024

Perspektiven auf den E-Commerce Markt 2024

Tarek Müller, Sven Rittau
Tuesday June 25, 2024 17:55 - 18:15 FURE STAGE
Growth, Marketplace, D2C

Profile image for Das Phänomen 6pm - Fashion, Community, Cross Culture

Das Phänomen 6pm - Fashion, Community, Cross Culture

Lucas Teuchner, Sven Rittau
Tuesday June 25, 2024 17:40 - 17:55 FURE STAGE
D2C, Branding, Social Media