Header image for K5 FUTURE RETAIL CONFERENCE 2024



Main category: Operations

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Profile image for Wie kann das Liefererlebnis im E-Commerce verbessert werden?

Wie kann das Liefererlebnis im E-Commerce verbessert werden?

Bahadir Birkan
Tuesday June 25, 2024 15:10 - 15:40 Round Tables
UX, Operations

Profile image for IT Architektur: Replacing legacy the smart way

IT Architektur: Replacing legacy the smart way

Dörte Kaschdailis
Tuesday June 25, 2024 15:15 - 15:30 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Operations, Platform, AI

Profile image for Voice of the Customer (VoC): How Bosch Mobility Aftermarket manages online ratings & reviews globally
Profile image for Battle of the Bots - How Zalando protects its revenue, brand and customer data from attacks

Battle of the Bots - How Zalando protects its revenue, brand and customer data from attacks

Akamai, Johannes Boumans, Robert Zeithammel
Tuesday June 25, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 UNLIMITED COMMERCE STAGE powered by contentserv
Retail Tech, Operations

Profile image for Effektive Steigerung der Profitabilität: Wie Bergzeit seine KPIs nach Plan steuert und den Rohertrag je Land optimiert
Profile image for Birkenstock Digital’s journey to the center of customer centric data - one step at a time!
Profile image for Plattform-Launch in nur 11 Wochen: Wie der BILD-Marktplatz in Rekordzeit live ging und warum “MVP” Best Practice ist

Plattform-Launch in nur 11 Wochen: Wie der BILD-Marktplatz in Rekordzeit live ging und warum “MVP” Best Practice ist

Mirakl, Martin Krüger, Patrick Luetjens
Tuesday June 25, 2024 15:30 - 16:00 Masterclass Room 10
Marketplace, Growth, Data, CRM, B2B, Operations, Retail Tech, Platform

Profile image for Das Geld liegt auf der Straße –  AI holt entstandene Schäden von eurem Carrier zurück
Profile image for AI in Aktion: Praktische Einblicke in die Product Content Automation

AI in Aktion: Praktische Einblicke in die Product Content Automation

novomind, Joachim van Wahden, Patrick Stephan
Tuesday June 25, 2024 16:00 - 16:30 Masterclass Room 8
AI, Data, Operations, Retail Tech

Profile image for Automated Digital Publishing: Von Produktdaten zu Top-Publikationen bei der Roca Group
Profile image for Lean Commerce: Wie HABA durch Replatforming noch effizienter wird

Lean Commerce: Wie HABA durch Replatforming noch effizienter wird

Emporix, Franziska Heerlein, Eberhardt Weber, Michael Feige
Tuesday June 25, 2024 16:00 - 16:30 Masterclass Room 10
Growth, Operations, Platform, Retail Tech

Profile image for Zukunft eCommerce: Wie Fielmann, Deichmann & FC Bayern mit SCAYLE wachsen

Zukunft eCommerce: Wie Fielmann, Deichmann & FC Bayern mit SCAYLE wachsen

SCAYLE, Tobias Ring, Tarek Müller, Stefan Wolk, Stefan Benzinger, Thomas Wrobel
Tuesday June 25, 2024 16:10 - 16:40 EXPERIENCE STAGE powered by Google
Growth, Operations, Platform

Profile image for Turn product data into revenue

Turn product data into revenue

Contentserv, Michael Kugler, Steffen Rückschloss
Tuesday June 25, 2024 16:10 - 16:40 UNLIMITED COMMERCE STAGE powered by contentserv
Operations, D2C, B2B, AI

Profile image for K5 COMMERCE AWARD


Bella Wondra, Verena Schlüpmann
Tuesday June 25, 2024 19:30 - 21:00 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Retail Tech, Operations

Profile image for Die Performancepower des Partnermarketings entfesseln: Strategien und Success Cases für inkrementellen Umsatz

Die Performancepower des Partnermarketings entfesseln: Strategien und Success Cases für inkrementellen Umsatz

MAI, Thomas Dirnhöfer
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:30 - 11:00 Masterclass Room 6
Startups, Omnichannel, Growth, Platform, Operations

Profile image for Allez hopp! So gelingt der Markteintritt in Frankreich

Allez hopp! So gelingt der Markteintritt in Frankreich

Asendia, Alexandre Santamaria, Michael Choukroun
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:40 - 11:10 EXPERIENCE STAGE powered by Google
Operations, Growth, Marketplace

Profile image for Seamless Shopping Beyond Borders: E-Commerce Erfolgsrezepte für die Schweiz und Grossbritannien

Seamless Shopping Beyond Borders: E-Commerce Erfolgsrezepte für die Schweiz und Grossbritannien

MS Direct, Prof. Dr. Darius Zumstein, Luca Graf
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:40 - 11:10 UNLIMITED COMMERCE STAGE powered by contentserv

Profile image for Key Take Away Food & Delivery

Key Take Away Food & Delivery

Sven Rittau, Udo Kießlich
Wednesday June 26, 2024 10:45 - 11:00 DEEP DIVE STAGE
Operations, E-Food